Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Funniest Show on Earth? (Mars Might Have Something Better...Nah...)

I have plenty of photos to post of Eve, and some really cute video too. (But it needs to be edited. I don't think you, my dear reader, wants to see 20 minutes of her cooing and giving gas grins; though she is sooooo darling when she does!)

But I need a break from talking about my life. So today I'm throwing down a quote from the TV show "The Office." Proof that it is THE most hilarious thing on television. I'm so in love.

A list created between Jim and Dwight while trying to plan the ideal birthday party for Kelly in the office:

fighting to the death
blood pudding
touch football
horse hunting

1 comment:

Melody said...

Holy heck! I love The Office! We're watching it right now! (That's a lot of exclamation points!!!) "I've got a golden ticket." Oh, I have a joke for you... Knock, Knock... Who's there?... The KGB... The KGB w... (smack) THE KGB WILL ASK THE QUESTIONS! So funny.