Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Look at this, two posts in one week!  As I mentioned earlier our dear friends the Newsomes recently returned to Utah after living in Texas for a while.  They have a baby boy that is just about month older than Eve.  He is super duper cute and huge!  His mom and dad would tell us how big he is, but I just couldn't tell until I saw him in person.  I think these pictures help illustrate.  Granted, Eve is very small for her age, which just makes the difference that much greater and funnier.  He is in the 95th percentile for weight and height I think.  He is 13 months and 26 pounds.  His brother is 3 1/2 years old and 29 pounds.  It's so much fun to see how two siblings can be so different.  But they're both darling boys and we're so glad that they're back!

By the way, I finally have some good video of Eve crawling, but now the new blogger won't let me post it.  Plus I think that adding photos is even more frustrating than ever!  Does anyone else agree?

Matthias with his dad, Jonas

1 comment:

Amelia said...

Those pictures are hilarious and any chance of making this a threefer? Loving all the blogging!