Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I usually give overrated and uber popular books a good "cooling down" period before I decide to read them--you know, 'cause I'm curious at the the hullabaloo.  And for the most part, I end up entertained even though I don't think they warrant as much popularity as they receive.  Let's see, I liked The Da Vinci Code, Hunger Games and Harry Potter.  They were fun.  And of course, I can't really criticize them until I've read them, right?  So I decided to try out Twilight.  

Ahem--!  Clearing my throat--That book really really sucked.  I cannot fathom how S.M. got it past her editor.  I cannot fathom how she got an English degree. (BYU has so many, many problems.  More on that another time.)  The authoress could have given us the exact same story with half the words--I think I could easily strike out hundreds of useless adjectives.  Someone likened it to emotional porn, but I don't think I can give it that much credit--although I did feel a lot of shame after reading it.  I did like most of the characters, and the vampires are interesting.  I'll probably read New Moon someday.  But I also cannot fathom why in the world Edward likes Bella.  She's boring, grouchy, and a total wet blanket.  And I cannot fathom why anyone over the age of 16 would freak out over this book.  

This is just a cursory glimpse as to my thoughts on this.  I've probably offended a large part of the dumber female population and a tiny part of the intelligent female population, and I know that this little diatribe not well written at all (excuse--cold medication and pregnancy).  But I guess what it comes down to most of all is this:  an unconvincing authoress wrote a mediocre book and has made millions.  I have not.  She's rich, I have my dignity.  Who is the real winner in this situation?  Obviously Stephenie Meyers.


myrtle budge said...

Amen, sista!

Holly said...

I am glad to have found a kindred spirit on this matter! I am far, far in the minority around here in my incredulity at that dumb book's popularity. And aside from the nonstop gushing over the vampires' beautifulness, I too could not get over why Edward, who is supposed to have been around for over a hundred years, couldn't in all that time find anyone better to be in love with than boring old, whiny Bella. Please. Can't wait for the next family function to dis' this series with ya some more!

Robyn said...

Laughed out loud - 'cuz I too have publicly and loudly proclaimed Twilight a monstrosity. Blogged about it. Spoke about it. Offended all my sisters in law.

Cassandra said...

I just think Edward is hot.
That's all.

marinalisa said...

He He He. I love you. People are dumb, and thats all there is to it :) And that "maybe i'll get around to reading new moon sometime" feeling you won't. I know from the end of the day, there is always another book I'd rather read.

Sarah Sheen said...

Renée, you sure can be hilarious when incensed!

For me the most twisted element of Twilight is that it glorifies the notion of older, sociopathic men taking advantage of impressionable young girls.

What better place to observe this phenomenon than BYU?