Monday, March 16, 2009

Lovenox is Not Pretty

In order to get my blood thinner, I had to take a shot in the stomach twice a day for over a month. Thankfully, that is over now, I just have to take a pill. But during the last week I was on the shots, Richie accidently knicked one of my veins and I got the most gnarly, disguting, painful bruise. It actually looks pretty good in these pictures--I should've taken some while it was still at its worst stage. But these give an idea. I'm actually proud of it--a war wound of sorts. Please ignore my jello-like post-partum stomach. That's scarier than the bruise.

I wrote a couple of haiku about my bruise:

scarlet petaled bloom
tattoed across the belly
multi-colored pain

a shot to the gut
silently enters and bursts--
rainbow punch smears hard

I've been trying to get a good picture of Eve so I can make and mail birth announcements. Every time, every time, I try to do a photo shoot with her, this is what happens:

Eve loves her baths about 90% of the time. Otherwise, she's screaming. She's going to be a water baby like her mama. She actually looks like a real baby with chunk rolls! Or at least, the beginning of fat rolls. On Friday she weighed 6 lb 5 oz. Tomorrow is her due date--she'll be seven weeks old tomorrow too. She's grown out of her preemie clothes, but is still too big for newborn stuff. But I am sad to see my tiny daughter move on--she's so cute and small!


Chelsea said...

Wow, gnarly bruise...impressive! I think the 3rd picture is pretty gosh darn cute of Eve...I'd say the photo shoot was a success. :)

Candice and Tim Peterson said...

that is a pretty sweet bruise! I don't see what's wrong with the photo shoot? she looks cute as ever! Glad to hear that she is growing!

Anonymous said...

I do say, those are some brilliant Haiku.
Eve is too precious in the bathroom sink!

Melody said...

I remembered that St. Patricks Day was your due date and I was thinking of you. I remember when Bella finally grew out of her preemie clothes, it was so sad. Now I look at them and can't even remember what it was like when she was that little. Enjoy this time while she's your little baby. It goes by much too quickly.