Sunday, August 21, 2011

My Little Man

Theron turned nine months old on Wednesday.  I can't believe that he will be a year old before Thanksgiving!  He is the sweetest little boy.  And I'm not just saying that because I am his mother.  Ask anyone--anyone--who has met him.  He really truly is the happiest, sweetest, snuggliest little boy to ever grace this earth.  I love him more than words can say.  He fills me with constant joy.  I took him into primary with me today and he "sang" along with all the other and bounced and boogied to all the music.  He has four teeth, two more on the way, and I will now list his stats:

Height:  28.25"  50th%
Weight: 20 lb 9.5 oz  60th %
Awesomeness: Never ending 1000th%

Theron has not the slightest interest in crawling, and boy does that make me happy!  He still hates to be on his tummy, and screams when he does tummy time, though he is getting better.  I do hope that he is crawling by his birthday, however, because I don't want him too far behind.  But he is as happy as a clam just sitting up and playing with his sister.  She can make him laugh harder than anyone else.  They are the very best of friends.  And, lucky us, I get to take him to San Fransisco with me to visit Auntie Nikki this week.  I hardly ever get alone time with Theron so that will be a nice treat.  Not to mention that people who fly with young children get preferential treatment by the airlines.  Last to seat and first to leave--yes thank you!

So here's to you, my bright sun, my constant waking joy, my little man Theron.



Amelia said...

Must be something about baby boys! Mine is a delight as well. Theron looks a lot like Richard.

marinalisa said...

I'm so glad I read your blog today. It made me happy. Your kids are freaking adorable! I am however slightly bugged that you and Necia have such agreeably mellow children ;)

desertortoise said...

I really did want to steal this cutie!!! You are a fabulous mother!

Cassandra said...

Oh I love him.