Thursday, December 22, 2011

Weirdo Beardo

Merry Christmas Everyone!  I love getting everyone's beautiful, sweet, inspiring Christmas cards, with all your picture perfect families.  I really do.  They're hanging on my front door so I can see them all season long.  And I love my picture perfect family, covered in snowy white hair, heads floating in a red miasma of Season's Greetings.  I have a large version of this on my fridge, and when Eve saw it she cracked up and thought it was hilarious.  It is.  She's got a good sense of humor.  May your holidays be bright and merry!  We love all of you.  Thank you for your love in return!


Holly said...

My favorite Christmas card this year by far!!!

Cassandra said...

I love this card!
I think it's funny how much bigger Richie's head is...