Thursday, March 11, 2010

A Hard Fall

So, just a little update:  February was pretty lazy compared with the previous five months.  I have enjoyed doing not much more than scrapbooking, watching movies and exercising.  I am swimming once a week, joined an exercise group that meets twice a week, and run at least once a week.  It sounds like a lot, but it really doesn't seem like much.  It isn't enough, actually, to lose much weight.  But I keep at it because it does feel good.

Eve is doing well.  She is not walking yet, but can stand up and balance on her own and walks with hands held or around furniture.  She is getting at least three or four molars in right now, which was causing her to wake up screaming several times a night for about three weeks in a row, but that seems to have stopped for the most part.  She is becoming a pickier eater.  Yesterday both lunch and dinner were PBJs.  But I'm not too worried about it.  I slip veggies in when I can, and while I do want her to establish healthy eating habits, A) I know that this is a notoriously picky time of life-toddlers! and B) She really needs all the calories and weight she can get, so healthy carbs are a fine diet for her.  

Speaking of her weight, yesterday we went to the Dr.'s office.  She is 16 lb 12 oz.  She gained over half a pound last month.  Only three more and she can turn her car seat around!  Why were we at the doctor's office yesterday?  Eve took a very hard fall.  I had put her on our bed to play while I dressed for the day.  She usually stops at the edge, but decided to attack the lampshade with lightening speed.  Before she had even started I was going to the other side of the bed to get her off, but she was too fast.  She hit the nightstand, flipped completely over, and then literally faceplanted on the hardwood floor.  She cried and I picked her up.  I wasn't going to overreact and call the doctor--I kept telling myself that kids fall and bump everyday and are resilient.  But as soon as I picked her up she sucked her thumb and went to sleep, which I thought was weird and I thought she might have passed out.  Then I noticed that she was not just pale, but totally ashen, with her lips and around her mouth and eyes very grey.  That scared me so I called the doctor and spoke to the nurse.  I thought she'd tell me not to worry but she said "Oh yes, come in right away!"  So I hurry-scurried to the doctor's office.  We waited 2 hours to see the doctor.  And by then I could tell she was alright.  I wanted to say "I think my baby's fine, can I have my money back?"   She had a big red spot on her forehead yesterday.  But, today, she seems just fine and there isn't even a goose egg on her head.  Maybe she used her hands to cush the fall more than I thought, or maybe her guardian angel was there to catch her.  Or maybe there's some serious damage that just hasn't manifested itself yet.  We'll see.  But for now I'm just glad she's alright.


Holly said...

Scary! You did the right thing. I'm glad she's OK!

desertortoise said...

Happy Birthday to you!!! Hope you were spoiled!