Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Great Oni Patch

Eve's word for pumpkin is "Oni."  We don't know where she got that one.  When we say pumpkin she understands that word, but she insists on calling them onies.  Pretty cute, huh?  We went to an Oni Patch earlier this month and picked some onies out for the front porch.  Eve was also invited to a Pirate Birthday Party by 4 year old twin boys, so instead of being a bird for Halloween, she is going to be a Pirate.  I think the costume turned out well for someone who refused hat, eye patch and earring.  

I will be at 35 weeks tomorrow--two weeks longer than I was pregnant with Eve.  I was really stressing out all pregnancy about having the same trauma occur, even to the point where I would get mild panic attacks.  But after talking to my doc and Richie's blessing, I calmed down a bit.  Then the night of week 33 came and went peacefully, and now that that huge mental block is gone, I've been pretty relaxed about the whole thing--the most relaxed I've been all pregnancy.  So despite being physically uncomfortable and battling a cold, I feel pretty good.  I just hope the little stinker doesn't come late!  He really needs to come before Thanksgiving.


Holly said...

She makes an adorable pirate!
(Aiden calls everything halloweenish a "Boo." Pumpkins, ghosts, skeletons, you name it. All boos. But "oni" is much more original!)

Renee said...

Still, "boo" is super cute!

Renee said...
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Gil said...

Gil doesn't understand that "pumpkin" and "ball" are different. He will point at them and say ball and then chuck them. How are you doing? We should come visit sometime since we're back in Logan (and you're welcome to come visit anytime). This is Emily and not Gil by the way.