Sunday, January 11, 2009

Crazy Cat Lady

I never thought I had the potential to be a crazy cat lady until we adopted Lucy. I seriously love this cat more than most things in life. She is the GREATEST! When Richie moved to Logan last year leaving me in Oregon solo, I was so grateful to have her little self there at home to welcome me back from work, watch Lost DVDs with me until the wee hours of the morning, and generally remind me that I was loved. Pets are fantastic. I will always feel pity for those out there who just don't value the love of a good animal.

No, we do not dress our cat. Lucy has allergies (to what remains the big mystery. We think they're food allergies.) which cause her to continuously lick herself raw. It is very sad, and occasionally the outbreaks will be bad enough that she has to wear a cone or an "Elizabeathian collar." This is her in her collar when we first adopted her. I eventually had to sew tulle around the edges, making this look like even more of a fancy dress, because she figured out a way to lick her belly. During this phase we called her "Space Cat." Yes, there was a song.

Lucy always has been and will always remain a giant bed hog. She looks grumpy. Shouldn't have awoken her from her 18 hour cat nap.

Likes: yogurt, ice-cream, string cheese, Planet Earth dvds, the fish tank, exploring outside, the laser, neck rubs, chin scratches, drinking from my glass (or any liquid container that is not her water dish), the heater vent under the bed, cuddling, attention
Dislikes: her cone, cold/wet weather, cat nip, children, the vaccum, loud cars, being left alone, baths, pills, most cat toys


Anonymous said...

Uh oh~ dislikes children?

I don't claim to be a lover of cats, but after reading about a day in the life of Lucy, I realize I have the exact temperament of an allergy-prone kitty, putting on airs in her Elizabethan collar.

p.s. The password it's making me type in is "publets"~ sick!

Raschelle said...

Aha! I'm not the only newly-christened cat lady. Don't tell my parents, but now that I'm in France, the 'person' I miss the most is my big ol' stinkpot of a cat Balor. Even though eating fingers is on his top five list of favorite things to do. Gah I love him! Miss you Renee!