Monday, January 5, 2009

Okay Winter, You Can Be Over Now

I like the snow for about two months. Maybe even three. But after February, really, it's time for Spring. I LOVE Spring! It is my favorite season. So why in the world am I lving in frozen ice-world Logan? Yesterday, at 10 am, Richie came into the bathroom as I was getting ready for church and informed me that it was currently -4 below zero outside. Lovely.

We went hiking (why we didn't put our snowshoes on is a mystery. I was okay with my snowboots, but Richard only had tennis shoes) on Saturday up Logan Canyon. During my whole pregnancy I can honestly say that I have never felt "fat," just pregnant. But after looking at this picture, I can't believe how big I'm getting! I look totally fat! But at least I don't feel fat. I still feel fabulous and pregnant, not fat. Only 11 more weeks to go!


Amelia said...

You are officially amazing going hiking that pregnant. My official pregnant activities at that point in pregnancy were couch surfing and speed eating. Seriously. Enjoy the good feeling!

Anonymous said...

Renée, you look fantastic. Richie looks a little puffy though. :o

I'm digging the fancy square shelves in your living room~ nice display if I may say.

Renee said...

I WISH I could speed eat! I mentioned the Roof, and I was so so sad that my stomach is all squished and small due to enlarging uterus. I could've packed in so much more food!

Speed eating just causes me heartburn, which really sucks at 3 AM. But I am very well versed at the couch surfing!

Amelia said...

PS Message for Sarah Louise, you guys made your blog private and I didn't get invited! Can I come along to the party? (sniff sniff "crying in the corner") Perhaps you made it private in the hope that I'd stop reading, in which case just pretend I never said anything... sorry to hijack your comment section Renee

maren said...

Congratulations on your upcoming bundle of joy!! I miss you tons and am so glad to see your blog!! Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy! love you

letter b said...

11 more weeks!!!! How wonderful!!!! Is this not the perfect time to use the exclamation point again and again?!!!!!
Pretty Maud is almost here!!!!!!!!!!!!

Preston and Kristin said...

Yup, there's a baby in there!

Robyn said...

I like my pregnant body more than my usual - becasue I feel PREGNANT not fat. Now, it's just fat :(

Enjoy!! Can't wait for the news . .