Monday, February 1, 2010

One Year

Eve turned One last Wednesday and Saturday we had her Birthday Party!  Thank you to Grandpa and Grandma Peterson, Aunt Karen and Marina and Maisie for making it a very fun and happy birthday for Eve.  She got lots of presents--shoes, books, clothes, puzzles, stuffed animals, dolls, money, and lots of other great stuff.  She had fun eating her birthday cake and like it when we all sang "Happy Birthday" to her.  

Today was her one year well check appointment with the doctor.  I recently realized that I never vented about our not so fabulous pediatrician.  Without going into too much detail I'll say that while he was a good doctor, he was also negative, defensive and encouraged formula feeding rather than breastfeeding.  Eve's nine month appointment left me enraged and crying.  So, we now have a family doc that seems pretty cool and relaxed and positive.  He said Eve looks beautiful and healthy and didn't make me feel like a terrible mother for her being so small.  Needless to say, we like him so far.  Eve had to get SIX shots today!  She cried so hard!  But not for long.  She is such a good babe.  I love her to death.  Here are her stats:

12 Months
16 lb. 3 oz.
27.5 inches

On the adjusted scale she is 5th percentile for weight and 25th percentile for height.  On the normal scale she is 1 percentile and 10th respectively.  She is doing really well!


Chelsea said...

Hey, it's just great that she's on the non-adjusted scale! Go Eve! What a cutie. However, we'll find out later today if Elliot has surpassed her in weight. Ha ha. :)

Cassandra said...

Like Eve, I'm also in the 1 percentile for height but I'm in the 101th for weight. ;)

Sarah Sheen said...

Née-- loving the new short 'do!

Eve seems to have handled the princess treatment with grace and style, like a wee version of Audrey Hepburn in Roman Holiday.