Thursday, January 28, 2010

Double Birthday Cake

Exciting news...Richie turned 31 last week!  Oh wait.  That's not so exciting.  The really exciting birthday was yesterday.  It was Eve's FIRST Birthday!  She is now One Year Old.  Yesterday we went out to dinner (she loves Indian food) and then went swimming.  Logan has a very poor selection of indoor activities for winter months, espeicially ones that are conducive  to a non-walking one year old's needs.  So I thought swimming would be fun.  The closest and most affordable pool is at USU and they do have a decent facility, only that, sadly, the water was too cold for little Eve.  We got in and I could tell right away that she was cold and not having much fun.  Nothing we did made her smile, and she could've cared less about any pool toys.  When we took her out her feet were blue, her teeth were chattering, and she was shivering.  So we returned to the locker room and took a long hot shower.  She was fine after that.  We also stopped by to say hi to the NICU nurses, but only one that we knew from last year was on duty.  But I think she enjoyed the day.  Saturday we are having a little party for her with cake and presents and such, so good times still ahead.  She also has her one year well baby check on Feb. 1st, so I will post all her stats then. 

Blowing out birthday candles with Dad.  She looks really excited about his birthday, right?

I wish there was a kiddie pool open during the winter in Logan.  There is one at the community pool, only that it is an outdoor pool, so obviously closed right now.  I mean, why in the world would Logan want an indoor community pool?  It's not like it averages below freezing six months out the year here.  Stupid stupid Logan. 

 Eve on her birthday.  She looked cute!  Clapping is her favorite new trick.

This is a relatively clean lunch for Eve.


Nikki Barkume said...

Yea for Eve! I love you! It looks like you did a great job with her birthday Ren. I like the giant candles in her cupcakes.

Cassandra said...

I love Eve's indifferent expression in the top photo with Richie! She is so flippin' cute!

Sarah Sheen said...

What a little lady she is! I can't believe it's already been a year.

And Richie is a distinguished 31!