Friday, June 26, 2009

I Am Happy

So a few posts ago I was complainging about paying for things, because generally, things are always tight around here. Of course, I'm sure most people feel the same way. And would I love to have enough money that buying the $169 magazie holder from Pottery Barn would be nothing at all? Well, yeah, sure. (Just to make things clear, I would never ever spend money on a magazie rack of any quality, no matter how rich I was. I was just using that as an example).

But the other day Richard, Eve and I were returning to our house from an evening walk. And I just realized how happy I was. I have a very sweet, well-tempered baby that makes me laugh and giggle and cry a little and cuddles into me; I have a husband that is not only willing but enjoys cleaning the house, doing the dishes and shares yard work with me, all unasked and uncomplaining; and he is willing to go to work everyday so that I can be home with Eve! We have a great house in a great neighborhood, and there really isn't anything that I am lacking, except maybe tact and humility. And patience. But otherwise, my life is perfect. If only I could remember it constantly so that I don't complain. But I think it is important to remember the times you are happy, especially when they come upon you for no reason at all, but are just sweet little gifts that life gives you.


Robyn said...


The meeting is now dismissed.

Anonymous said...

You are hilarious, my friend.