Monday, June 15, 2009

We're Back, Baby!

Wow! It's only been a little more than a month since I last blogged, but it seems like a long time ago! I've missed you, cyber space! And many apologies to the three faithful followers of my blog. We moved our computer to the upstairs loft, and the internet connection there was awful. We finally switched providers, so here we are, back up and running.

eve was shooting me especially cute glances before her bath (although she won't smile when I have the camera up to my face)

A lot has been going on lately. Being a nursing mother is a weird mixture of being insanely busy and doing nothing (or at least, not accomplishing many tasks). On May 3rd Eve received her baby blessing in church. Basically, it is a formal presentation of her to the church, and then Richard gave here a name and a blessing, which was very beautiful. Of course I was crying throughout the whole meeting. It started with the opening song and didn't stop till the meeting was over. We had all our immediate family with us, and some friends, aunts, uncles and cousins. It was lovely.

blessing day feast; eve with daddy

We also planted our garden. It was looking fantistic for a while, then two weeks ago the bug population in Logan exploded and all our tender little plantlings have played salad to a whole army of bugs. I'm trying to avoid using anything poisonous on our plants and soil, but it doesn't seem to be working and I don't want to lose my garden. Any organic gardening suggestions would be most welcome.

My first Mother's Day was absolutely wonderful, all thanks to Richard and Eve. I wish everyday could be Mother's Day! Richie made me breakfast in bed and dinner--scallops, veggies, sparkling cider, and homemade strawberry shortcake! It was divine and oh so delish! I love having a wonderful husband and sweet daughter.

he even used the nice china!

Eve is doing well. She got her first cold on a trip to Cedar City to see the grandparents, but she is doing just fine now. Baby colds are the worst! She didn't gain any weight while she was sick, so she's a little behind what her current trend has been, but she's happy and healthy and learning new things everyday. She sucks her fingers and loves to hold onto things and explore her clothes and surroundings. She loves to watch and absorb people and events around her. She is very good natured and usually quite happy and smiley. At her 4 month doctor's appointment two weeks ago she was 10 lb 9 oz and 21 3/4". So she is a tiny thing, but cuter than anything else I have seen on this earth, and I've seen a lot of cuteness. Sorry all those out there that disagree, but it's true. I'm never wrong, just ask the Chemist.

eve tries eat most of the things she picks up; below, she's apparently trying to do the can-can, and thoroughly enjoying every minute of it


Candice and Tim Peterson said...

It was so good to see you guys the other day. Eve is so very cute...I would agree with you that she is a doll! It was kind of funny to see her and Aiden together, Aiden being a little bigger. Glad that everything is going well. See ya again soon!

Amelia said...

As one of the faithful followers of your blog, I'm glad you're back!
Eve looks adorable esp. in the red dress!

Nikki Barkume said...

I am a faithful follower yet I never leave comments. Mostly cuz it never works! But these are some of the cutest pics of eve yet! I love her!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the pics; Eve is getting so cuddly and smiley. She definitely looks like her mama.

p.s. The word verification this is making me type in is Seexi.