Friday, October 17, 2008

"It's Automatic When You Know It"

Here is a picture of our baby at 11 weeks. This ultrasound was done at the end of the August. It looks like an alien, I am aware of that. But it's our alien, and that makes me happy. Everyone needs an extraterrestrial of their own to grow and love, right?

When my mom found out we were having a baby, she thought that we were going to name it Otto. Not that I don't like that name, but I have never really considered it, and since we don't know the sex of the child, I don't know why she assumed that we would name it that. My dad then wryly suggested that the middle name should be "Matic." Very clever. But then I thought, Automatic Peterson, that's a good, funny name for a sexually undetermined fetus. And henceforth our babe has been known as Auto around these parts. It's much better than Richard's suggestion of Cletus the Fetus. Eeeewww...I hate both those words.

Now my mother-in-law, on the other hand, has really been gunning for Gus since the moment we got married almost five years ago. Can you imagine hearing about Baby Gus for five years? I said "absolutely not! That's the name of the fat mouse on 'Cinderella.'" There's no way I'd ever name a human being that came out of my birth canal Gus. But Richie loves it. He uses the mouse voice from "Cinderella" and says "GusGus" really fast. Sigh. This child is in for a lot of weird nicknames.

I've also had some Oregon inspired suggestions, like Rainesong, Snowbright, and Moonstar. So now I'd like to open it up to suggestions from the audience. The new poll to your right will have my top five suggestions, but please feel free to post other options as well; nothing will be turned down on the path towards the moniker that will label one for life.


Amelia said...

How about Pete Peterson? Or Petite Peterson for a girl. I'm all about the alliteration, just for your kids though, not mine. I'm too late...oooh you guys could do the all "R" name thing! Renee Richie and Rameumptom and Raine... it would be AWESOME.

Renee said...

Rameumptom...that's great! That would beat all those other BOM names kids have in Primary these days. I'll pass the suggestion on to Richie.

When do you guys visit Utah again?

Anonymous said...

I'm all for Maude. It's vintage chic, and would be darling for a little girl wearing a tiny purse.

Sayeed makes me think of "The Secret Garden" when Miss Mary whines "Sayeed is dead. Now who will dress me?"

Renee said...

Hmm, I forgot about the Secret Garden Sayeed. I was thinking of Sayeed from "Lost." He's so sexy. You need to start renting those DVDs. I think Justin would like it. And even if it's a girl, Sayeed from Lost is so incredible that it would only bring her good luck to be named after him. Wink.

Happy Birthday to Justin earlier this month!

Anonymous said...

The question remains:
Why name your child after a swarthy torturer/ hit man turned sex symbol?

Not to mention the aforementioned Indian servant who perished by plague.

Whatever you and Richie choose, I can already discern from the ultrasound that your child will be a curly-headed little bundle of glee!

Preston and Kristin said...

I prefer chemistry related names myself. For example, I think Moiety is pretty cute. Other good choices include Ester, Imide and Alkane. If you have twins, you could call them Alkene. Okay, that's like the nerdiest post I've ever left on a blog. It's probably time for me to call it a night.

Renee said...

My long lost Krizdun!

Thanks for commenting and voting. I went to your blog and it made me laugh because it is just perfectly you. I had no idea the world of pharmacuticals was so intense. I think being a chemist Richie will really like your suggestions. Everything comes down to elements, right?